Supporting charities

Healthy business operations and a healthy planet go hand in hand

The Weebale Foundation

At Henkelman we believe it is important that everyone can play an active role in society. Both here in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the world. We all want to make a positive contribution to improving living conditions in the world. One of the charities we support is the Weebale Foundation. This organisation is committed to making clean and safe tap water available. And this is desperately needed. Especially in Africa. One in four people in countries such as Ghana, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda do not have access to this basic necessity. 

Water taps in Uganda

Through the efforts and involvement of the community, the knowledge and experience of the Wheebale Foundation and financial contributions from donors, several water projects have already delivered successful results. For example, the water systems and water taps in the villages of Banda Kyandazza and Kakeete Kikwayi in Uganda, were made possible by donations from Henkelman. Together with local residents, Weebale has worked to choose the best possible places for the water taps. In Banda Kyandazza, five taps have been placed along the main road where more than 2200 people now have access to clean water every day. 

More about the Weebale Foundation charity

The Weebale Foundation is committed to permanently improving the living conditions of local communities in Uganda. They do this by sharing their knowledge, experience and financial support. Each project is set up and implemented in consultation with local people. They also have a clear vision; The foundation itself never determines what assistance to provide. These decisions are made based on requests from the local residents. They also say; teaching people to do something is always better than giving it to them. “It is better to learn to fish, than to be given a fish.” The commitment and involvement of local residents as well as the financial feasibility and a financial contribution are always essential for a project to succeed. The Weebale Foundation provides guidance and ideas. 

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